Portrait Pair
Portrait Pair
Watch Your Six
Watch Your Six
Sandhill Cranes | Northbound Three
Sandhill Cranes | Northbound Three
Crow on a Branch
Crow on a Branch
Osprey on the Wing
Osprey on the Wing
Sandhill Cranes | Quartet
Sandhill Cranes | Quartet
Mantis Stare
Mantis Stare
Flicker in Flight
Flicker in Flight
Sandhill Cranes | Duet
Sandhill Cranes | Duet
Robin After Snowfall
Robin After Snowfall
Lunch Flight
Lunch Flight
Sandhill Cranes | Descent
Sandhill Cranes | Descent
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Sandhill Cranes | Stacked
Sandhill Cranes | Stacked
Pelican Flight
Pelican Flight
Eagle flight
Eagle flight
Guiding the Goslings
Guiding the Goslings
Sandhill Crane | Solo Flight
Sandhill Crane | Solo Flight

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