Image courtesy of Kate Ochsman
My name is Dave Tong. I grew up in a small Ohio college town surrounded by flat farmland overlaid with square-mile grids of straight roads. At eighteen, I hitchhiked across country to attend the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho – a slightly bigger college town surrounded by very un-flat farmland randomly sliced by un-straight roads. I loved it, and Moscow’s been my home now for five decades.
After earning degrees in Wildland Recreation/Communications and Television Production, I worked thirty years creating videos on a vast range of subjects for the UI. Through practical experience, I developed skills in photography, graphic design, and evolving digital technologies.
Since retiring in 2015, I’ve focused on nature photography and creating digital photo-art. I love the landscape and wildlife subjects found close to home in beautiful northern Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. And I am continually drawn back to Yellowstone National Park where I worked as a seasonal ranger in my younger days.
Thank you for visiting my site and please reach out to me with any questions or comments, or to inquire about wildlife/photographic art prints.
Thank you for visiting my site and please reach out to me with any questions or comments, or to inquire about wildlife/photographic art prints.

Image courtesy of Carrie Greiner